Pip has asked me to come and stay with her in Winterspring. During her recent struggles there, the orphanage she visits in the area came under attack, and many of the adults and some of the children were killed. My mate has decided to step in and help until she can find someone to take over caring for these little ones. To be honest, I would have gone with her when she originally left, but she wouldn't allow it. It seems the nights alone have started to wear on her just as they have me. It will be nice to once again be assured of a night's sleep beside my love.
This means I will be leaving the Tribe's home in Mulgore, at least for the time being. While this will in no way interfere with my obligations to the Burning Tusks, it will certainly be different. I have grown quite comfortable in the dwelling I share with my mate. I think perhaps that may be more because of Pip than the actual building itself, however. I've heard some say that home is where the heart is. For a while at least, my home and my heart are in Winterspring.