It's been a busy couple of days! That's not a bad thing, but it's kept me from updating this journal the way I'd hoped to.
I went to a jousting tournament Wednesday evening in Northrend with several others from the Tribe. Besides the tournament itself, there were vendors selling everything from souvenirs to food. The apple fritters and hot cocoa were particularly good.
Thursday night's meeting with the Tribe had a couple of points of note. Fiz was promoted to Tribesmate. I was immensely proud of my mentoree. Never have I seen someone more deserving of such an accolade. Pip and I also announced the date for our lifemating ceremony, December 10th. This weekend, we are going to try to put most of the finishing touches on the planning. We also had a much needed evening of alone time, an all too rare occurance recently.
Busy weekend ahead! I have several events I plan on attending, not the least of which is Branam and Vindy's promise ceremony. I've got much to do by this evening, and my greatest challenge still lies before me. What in the world am I going to wear?